Relationships between Schmidt & Schmidt and our suppliers are a vital component of our commitment to corporate social responsibility, as well as our obligation to comply with all applicable laws in every country where we conduct business.
We strive to maintain the highest ethical and professional standards in relation to people, the environment, and society in accordance with our core values.
Supplier management principles
One of our key tasks as a responsible business is to create more sustainable and secure supply chains, so we:
- Always fulfill our commercial commitments to our suppliers and treat our suppliers fairly.
- Strive to achieve effective and professional communication.
- Encourage responsible thinking in procurement both within and beyond the company.
- Help create long-term value for our clients, suppliers, and society.

We expect all partners to adhere to the code and appreciate the commitment to the principles outlined in the supplier code of conduct as a condition of doing business with our company.
Andrej Schmidt
Managing partner
The supplier code of conduct covers expectations regarding the environment, labor, health and safety, ethics, and management systems and is an integral part of our mission to create transparency in society and increase economic mobility.
Supplier Code of Conduct
1. Human rights
Suppliers must support the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
2. Respect for the law
We recognize that local customs, traditions, and practices may vary, but we expect suppliers to comply with local, national, and international laws, including but not limited to all laws regarding environmental protection, health and safety, and labor. We expect suppliers to support the fundamental agreements of the International Labor Organization regarding labor standards.
3. International trade controls and sanctions
Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws on import and export control, sanctions, and other international and national laws governing trade compliance.
4. Forced labor
Our suppliers must not use forced or bonded labor, and employees must have the right to leave work after reasonable notice. Workers should not be required to deposit money or documents with their employer.
5. Child labor
We refuse to tolerate the use of child labor in the supply chain.
Children should not be engaged in any hazardous work or work that is incompatible with their personal development.
6. Minimum wage
Suppliers must ensure that wages meet the legally established minimum.
Suppliers must ensure that working hours comply with local standards, and voluntary overtime remains at an acceptable level.
7. Equality
We refuse to tolerate any unlawful discrimination in employment relations. Suppliers must not allow discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement.
8. Employee well-being and development
Where applicable, suppliers should consider flexible working conditions to ensure a balance between work and personal life, encourage learning, and personal development of team members.
Employees must be treated with respect and dignity. Physical or verbal abuse or other forms of harassment, as well as any threats or other forms of intimidation, are prohibited.
9. Freedom of association
Suppliers must respect workers' rights, as set out in local laws, to freely associate, join or not join trade unions, seek representation, and participate in works councils. Workers should have the opportunity to communicate openly with management about working conditions without fear of retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.
10. Health and safety
We strive to provide a healthy and safe working environment for our employees, partners, and clients. Therefore, a healthy and safe working environment must be provided for all employees in accordance with national and international standards and laws. This includes ensuring proper conditions, training, and access to safety information.
11. Intellectual property
We require our suppliers and their team members to maintain the confidentiality of all information to which they have access. We also expect them to protect all intellectual property belonging to Schmidt & Schmidt, our clients, other suppliers, and individuals.
12. Personal data protection
Our privacy management principles are in line with the "gold" standard worldwide - the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Therefore, suppliers must protect and use confidential information only appropriately to ensure the protection of the company's and individuals' rights to privacy. Suppliers must comply with applicable personal data protection laws.
13. Anti-bribery and corruption
Our company does not tolerate, allow, or engage in bribery and corruption in any aspect of our business anywhere in the world. As with our other core principles, we do not do business with anyone who does not comply with our ethical behavior standards.
14. Avoidance of conflicts of interest
We expect our suppliers to make business decisions exclusively in the interest of the company and to avoid conflicts of interest with private matters or other economic or other activities, including those of relatives or other close persons or organizations, from the outset.
A relevant conflict of interest generally occurs when personal interests impair or seem to impair the supplier's ability to perform their work impartially. Suppliers are expected to inform us of any actual or potential conflicts of interest that arise.
15. Environmental impact
We acknowledge that our planet urgently requires decisive and long-term action to protect the environment and society from destructive consequences. We strive to make our services part of a sustainable society. Therefore, we expect our suppliers to make efforts to minimize environmental impact, including the following areas:
- Compliance with all regulatory obligations related to environmental protection.
- Adoption of measures to reduce resource consumption, waste emissions, and environmental pollution.
- Reducing waste and disposing of it in accordance with waste sorting requirements.
- Implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
16. Due diligence
Suppliers must implement due diligence procedures to address ethical issues in their supply chains, including all processes related to labor resources, to ensure compliance with laws on slavery and human trafficking. Workers should be encouraged to report problems or illegal activities in the workplace without the threat of retaliation, intimidation, or persecution. Suppliers must conduct investigations and take corrective actions if necessary.
We expect suppliers with whom we have long-term and regular business relationships to implement effective management processes to ensure compliance with requirements. In addition, suppliers must make reasonable efforts to monitor their supply chains.
1. Commitment and accountability
We expect the supplier's management to demonstrate commitment to this code of conduct and willingness to take a leadership role in implementing the requirements at the supplier's enterprise.
2. Documentation
We expect the supplier to maintain the documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with these expectations and applicable standards.
3. Business continuity
Suppliers are responsible for developing and implementing appropriate business continuity plans to ensure the operation of our company.
4. Risk management
We expect suppliers to implement mechanisms for identifying and managing risks in all areas covered in this document.
5. Training and competency
We expect suppliers to develop and implement a staff training program to achieve an adequate level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of managers and workers to meet these expectations.
6. Continuous improvement
Suppliers are expected to continuously improve their business processes, setting goals, executing plans, and taking necessary corrective actions to address deficiencies identified through internal or external audits.
7. Communication
Suppliers are expected to effectively communicate the principles of this document to employees, contractors, and suppliers.
We reserve the right to verify suppliers' compliance with all elements of the Supplier Code of Conduct and terminate business relationships if it is determined that a supplier is violating these rules.
Personal data protection information for suppliers
By entering into commercial relations with us, the supplier agrees that we may collect, store, and use the information provided by the supplier for the purpose of establishing business relations in accordance with the requirements of applicable legislation or for protecting our legitimate interests.
For more details on our privacy policy, you can familiarize yourself here.
General invoice requirements for suppliers
We value our partnerships and aim to process your invoices efficiently and accurately. Please review the following checklist before submitting your invoices to ensure they meet our requirements.
General purchasing conditions for services
Additionally, please note that our General Purchasing Conditions for Services also apply to all suppliers. These conditions form an integral part of our contractual relationship and contain important provisions regarding the procurement of services.